But I don't. Cuz I have 2 full time jobs. And young. And this thing, who is new. (Oliver the kitten. ALL my son wanted for his birthday this year. Procured a full month late due to me making sure Miles really wanted to deal with kitten hood. )

Uh, what else has happened in the last 6 months? My birthday... Ha. My dad got me a pinata, and put peanut butter cups and rollos in it. So it won. We bashed it inside since it was dark and cold here in May. I still have this "hat" in my closet if anyone else wants a go.

Crazy monsoon season sunset, circa August sometime. We had the best monsoons this year, it rained SO much. Coming from the desert I still like rain. My yard grows things too. I had Yarrow, and elder berries. (And 43 different kinds of blooming things/weeds/things) The season started with the most neat-0 purple tulips...

This is kitty more recently, he is pushing 6 months. Time to get him snipped. (Though we hesitate only cuz his nifty stripe pattern repeats on one of his testes. And it pleases us. We are easy to entertain...)
And not much else is new. Poor, tired and stressed seem to be the theme of the last 8 or 10 months.
My mom is coming to visit.
Miles started school.
I am the ONLY mom in the whole world who did NOT take pictures of him in his 1st day of school garb. Sorry.
His favorite part is recess and lunch.
Asa and I had our 9 year anniversary. And we Still like each other.
Bountiful baskets in the shizzle and if you can get in on it I can't recommend it enough... only I got okra today. Eeewwww.
Well, that's it for this 6 months...
Kisses and worm snuggles.