Well. Miles got a hair cut. I have pictures, but lack the knowledge to upload them, I ought to soon though. It's cute, short and sweet.
Work sucks, it's slow and people ain't tippin'. If you are going out to eat, part of the price of not being at taco bell is the tip. If it isn't awesome service, than I get it, but I am awesome. People tell me all the damn time how awesome I am (at work anyway) but still, no ducats.
on to the 13 part...
1. Baking. One of my favorite things to do, and I am sharing that love with Miles. He is an awesome help, knows the difference between baking soda and baking powder, and can crack a mean egg. He finds recipes for us to make now.
2. Books. Another love of mine.
3. Bears. Yay! They don't live near me though, so I can afford to be magnanimous. I do find them awesome in general though.
4. Butter. Very favorite. Wouldn't touch it for years though, only liked cheap plastic margarine. Thanks Asa for showing me the error of my ways.
5. Bats. There is an underpass in Tucson, with a jogging/bike pass under it, and if you are there at the right time of day (duskish) you will see oh, 700 million billion bats come out to hunt. Like it literally takes 20 minutes for them all to leave. It's super fabulous.
6. Baskets, gift. I make up mean ones, its my favorite thing to give as a gift, there is bound to be a few things the recipient will like, and I think I make neat ones with unique items.
7. Butterflies. Who doesn't like them?
8. Breastfeeding. Yay! I think everyone who does it should feel proud of the hard work and if anyone while you are out in public gives you any guff, kick 'em in the balls.
9. Basking in the sun. Every morning when my dog gets up he saunters out into the back yard to lay in the sun. If he was a cat, I think he'd purr. When he comes back in he smells like hot wet dog, but I do love looking out the kitchen window and seeing him looking so content.
10. Britches. Miles and I went shopping today for some new ones, his legs are longer than his waist is wide. Meaning that he can wear 3t pants but needs 7s for length. I do love that you can get jeans with those elastic button dealies in the waist bands, whomever invented that wins.
11. Bees. Asa taught me how to pet them when we first started hanging out. It kinda made me love him.
12. Boondocks. Awesome cartoon. Awesome comic. Viva Huey!
13. Beastie Boys. Nothing says love like "So Watch ya Want"
I did much better this time, faster. Toodles, and kisses.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday13 and other things...

Oh happiest of happy things, it seems the weather has broken, finally. Tuesday, 96; Wednesday, 76. I spent all yesterday afternoon cleaning the back yard, all the things I've been avoiding cuz I just can't handle the heat, and then when it was too dark to see, I organized my bedroom, dusted, washed curtains, went thru my clothes and made a bag up to donate, & threw out a ton of things. Like spring cleaning but in reverse...
Today after work, Miles and I planted peas and carrots since they do well in pots on the patio in the winter. My lone tomato plant is doing awesome and my first butternut squash is ready to pick.
I believe this Thursday13 is alphabetical and whatnot, so today I start with A. Let's see how many I can think of before I resort to the dictionary. Or a google image search.
1. Asparagus. Yuck. I like to look at them though.
2. Apples. Yum. But only organic. Apples, stone fruit, and bell peppers all absorb and are sprayed with the most nasty of pesticides.
3. Aardvarks. It would be cool if we had a few that just lived in the back yard, occasionally coming out to entertain us with their aardvarkian antics.
4. Anarchists, Knitting for. By Anna Zilboorg. I just scored it off Amazon, (it's a book) and it's pretty neat so far. It's knitting theory, with the premise that as an Anarchist, you'll not want to be following rules, so being able to know inside and out what you are doing while you knit frees you to design your own things and take patterns and make them your own. It's well written, and I like it so far.
5. Angel hair pasta, my favorite kind. Much nicer to eat than spaghetti. (Miles still calls it spig-detti)
6. Allergies. Glad I don't have any. I did one year when I was a kid, the Juniper trees at the canyon were so full of pollen, when it would rain the puddles were yellow. I had this funky nasal inhaler and everything.
7. Abstract art. I like it ok. My favorite is
8. Art Nouveau. I like the swirls and the way things flow together. And the flowers. (so cheating already)
9. Angst at blog pics. Why do they not go where I want them? Or hmmm. Do I have to post them first and then type around them? Have to try that next time.
10. Area 51. I sorta live near there now. OOO creepy. Or something. What's more creepy is the Nevada test sites for the A-bomb. I guess you used to be able to get hotel rooms with balconies for bomb watching parties, folks would sit and drink Martinis with their uber protective sun glasses on and watch nuclear explosions not that far off. In the Tropicana hotel, in a hallway, there is an old pic of one of the Fremont St. hotels and off in the distance behind it is a mushroom cloud.
11. Apache St. The first named street I lived on. Which would make my porn name be Bill Apache, if you follow the 1st pet, 1st st. law. Yeah...
12. Afro. I have always wanted one. Too bad for me my thin, super f'ing straight, limp, takes no curl, hair doesn't agree. It always make me smile when I see one though.
13. Avocado. I hate them and their slimy green-ness. But I eat them sometimes because they are SO damn good for you. My son eats them often and would eat them daily, and has since he was about 8 months old. Such a good baby food, high in all those fats they need for good brain growth etc...
Finally. That was way harder than I thought.
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