It's that time again, random shit spewing from my fingers time, with no point and no real reason to share. The peas Miles and I planted (hey, thanks to my blog I know when we planted. This is good for something) are huge and starting to flower, and the carrots have needed to be thinned several times now. Also, a magic side benefit to planting in tubs on the porch is that some of the seeds from last season that I guess didn't grow are growing now and actually doing well so we have baby lettuce and more tomatoes coming up. YAY!
Miles and I made chocolate chip cookies with walnuts, and we buy the walnuts in the shells, and he gets to crack them open with a rubber mallet. I think that was the highlight. Nothing says love like a six year old chasing rolling walnuts around the kitchen telling them to stay still so they can get smashed. But damn the cookies are good.

Trying to move to Flagstaff. It's hard to find a place to live that we can afford and be near things, that is one expensive ass town. But I'm feeling the familial pull. and Asa hates vegas and is ready to leave oh, say 6 months ago. And my niece is there:
And I think I have missed too much of her growing up already. Hell this picture is from last x-mas. I don't think I have newer ones even. Lame. (Oh yes, that is a life size cut out of a nascar dude in the background. My dad's roommate is a fan. And they do live in a trailer, but we's double wide folk ya'll). ha ha.
Started catching the mice again, they were sitting there laughing at us while shitting freely, so we felt we ought to. Have you ever seen house mice? Could they get any fucking cuter? Oh lord. we live trap them, and then set them free in the way back of the back yard. It probably takes them 2 or 3 hours to get back in, right? That's 2 hours worth of turds I needn't clean. Yeah we are suckers, but the little eyes! and the little paws! holding crumbs, and scampering about. Just can't do it.
Asa and I watched Zombieland last night. I give it an A, but I love Woody Harrelson and give pretty much everything he is in an A. I'd like him to adopt us.
Kisses and ponies for everyone.