There it is... The culmination of ton of freaking effort on the part of many people, The Shop.

Mint condition 1963 table and chairs. There is a matching buffet that goes with too...

Ashtrays. That's why everyone smoked in the 60's, it kept you thin, and the accouterments were so damn stylish...

We told Miles he was the security manager. He takes his job very seriously, sneaking up to me to ask "Are those teenagers? Should I follow them around?"
Note the blue paint in the hair, he was helping me paint our open sign.

Lampy goodness.

Butterfly cups. And orange stuff. Things are color coordinated as of yet, Green clusters, blue clusters, etc. I kinda like it.

Velvet couch, very yellow.

Giant metal cock! Dunno why this is vintage, but I like his beady eye and angry visage keeping watch over things.
So far, so good. After a week of work, we have managed to turn a tiny profit. Profit = earning more per day than the rent+ loan divided by the number of days in the month.
Combined with my bakery job (hello 3 am, how interesting to see you as the start of my day rather than bed time...) I'm working like 70 hours a week now. Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh......
But the shop stuff is way laid back, so it isn't killing me yet.