Miles turned 6. We got him a camera, the only present he got from us since the big money fairy has seen fit to avoid our house this year. But it was a winner, since Miles has a big fondness for picture taking. He always has my camera, and my phone is full of pics by the next Ansel Adams.
A favorite model, Renfield. Good dog. He has approximately 300 extreme close ups of his eye recorded for posteriety. And Miles always uses the flash.
In other news, I got a job. Needed to because of said money fairy issues. Asa is trying to find a new job, his sucks and is causing him emotional discomfort. Poor guy, moving here was supposed to enable us to do all sorts of cool things like buy a house and that's all fizzled, and we have never been so broke before. Kinda scary, but nothing's wrong with me, I can work, so I am. Eventually, I'll get my coveted stay at home mom status back.
Why do these not post in the order I posted them? I did the eye first, since it went with that paragraph.
That pic with Miles, also shows ALL of my kitchen counter space. That's what I have to work with, and boy do I use it well.
I will upload Miles' pics off his new camera into a flicka site and link that to here eventually.
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