This a random sketch Miles made of him on his scooter. Yeah, it's in the dust on the TV, cuz that's how we roll 'round here.
Whee. Well, it appears settled and in just a few more days we will be loading up and moving on out. Back (for me) to Flagstaff, (it's the first time Asa or Miles will be living there). I went to high school there and I think I have been gone long enough that the things that "encouraged" me to run the fuck out of town back in 1995 are changed. Or rather, I am.
I went back last week to see our place and sign the lease, and coincidentally it was my nieces 2nd birthday. My dad is known for his magical slackation (yeah I made that up) and hadn't got the babe a gift, and my brother wanted her to get snow boots since they are recent desert transplants too. So, we packed up and headed to the maul, on black Friday. And ha ha ha, I was worried, the parking lot was full, people parking in the dirt nearby etc... and inside, crickets. Seriously, it was like the maul here on a March Tuesday morning. We ate there and didn't have to wait in line for pizza. Small towns, hee hee. It sorta gives me insight to my old man's lack of desire to come visit here, it's quite a change. A change I feel like wrapping my head around. We will be living on the opposite side of town from my family, near the U and I haven't spent a lot of time over there so that's neat.
And they have good mexican food there, oh how I have missed that. Ketchup with chili powder in it is NOT salsa, vegas.
I started packing, and am reminded again just how much stuff we have. It's nice that it gets easier as I get older to let stuff go. I can remember the first time Dan (my brother) and I lived together as adults, I had huge quantities of toys/stuffed animals etc. I couldn't get rid of, oh grandma gave me this when I was 8 so obviously I need it forever. I was 21 or 22 for pete's sake.
I have huge donate bags already and I only have 12 boxes packed. (most of those are my books,)
Did I mention the floor to ceiling bookshelves on one wall the new house has? Did I mention the size of the kitchen? And cabinets that number more than 3? and the wood stove? And holy shit, this place has closets. And 2 bathrooms? well at least 2 toilets, Miles likes peeing in the yard, but he won't HAVE to anymore...
So it's looking dicey as to my staying with the same company when I move, they made it sound like transferring was easy and now that I am trying it's a whole new balla wax. So there is the good chance both Asa and I will be unemployed when we go. Hee hee, there's something to keep you awake at night, right? It's an adventure. And also? tonight in flag its supposed to be -4. as in 36 degrees below freezing. which is actually what it is supposed to be here tonight, so in perspective, it's not that biga deal, I guess. (said sullenly, -4, who? what? how will we live?)
All those hats and scarves I have knitted everyone will be in use. In the house. ha.
But, it's pretty and its alive there. And its not 24 hours. And its not run by idiots. The mayor here (mayor Goodman, google him for a laugh) got in the wax musuem with his signature martini in hand. The same gin beverage he got in "trouble" for for waxing melodically on to a class of fourth graders.
The few of you, one of you? in town, I'm gonna have tons of stuff to get rid of if you want anything. Kids stuff, clothes, whatever food won't travel well, etc. I'll let you know when I know more.
baskets of love and monkey hats for all.
Did I kick your ass in gear to post by asking about your move? ;-)
Enjoy going back...adventures are the best!
Hope the move goes great =0)
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