Hello again, this time from the insanely different town of Flagstaff. Different from Vegas I mean, It's probably a lot alike other towns in the mountains with 65,000 people and a temperature of 6. Yuppers, it's 6 right now as I type. Ha ha ha, us desert folk don't quite know what to do with this stuff... Though the dog has stopped shedding, since he needs those hairs to stay alive.

These blue sky pictures are of around our house after the first time it snowed. (2nd night here, 8-10 inches) The sky is so pretty here. The snow is too, I really like it, especially when I get to look out the window from the couch at it falling, snuggled in a blanket, basking in the glow of the wood stove.

These grayer pics are during that 1st storm (it has snowed good collectible amounts that needed to be shoveled 4 times in the 2 weeks we have been here). This above one is of the back yard. Yesterday,I thought it would be nice of me to shovel a path for the dog so he could keep his feet dry on his constitutionals. Ha Ha Ha, the snow pack is well over a foot deep and icy, I basically dug some holes and couldn't breathe anymore. (It's over 7000 feet here, something we neglected to think about, and 1/2 way thru unloading the U-Haul, we were dizzy and weak going uh, what is wrong with us? My brother kindly reminded us we were lacking oxygen.) That I failed in the dog path does not however mean I didn't cause muscle aches in my back though...

Extreme close up...

Look at that sky! Oh it's pretty here. Still 6 though.
We went downtown last night to watch the pine cone drop (Flagstaff tradition for over 10 yrs) and it was neat, so much easier to deal with than New Years in Vegas. I bet more people were on the strip last night than were in the entire town of Flagstaff total...
It's awesome to have my brother and his family over for dinner.
We bought a 1991 jeep with our insurance money from Asa's accident, and it has 4w drive, which we need to get up the driveway to our house, ha ha. He is much healed from that one, only a jagged scar on the under side of his chin really, to show for it. (That and the lingering guilt of destroying our car, but it wouldn't have been able to get out the driveway right now anyway. And they don't let you park on the street from November til May so the snow plows can roll thru).
Miles Loves the snow. LOVES it. We had to buy some boots and a few other bits of snow gear for him, but he is out there mucking about everyday. The other day, I'm making soup, he is in the backyard, playing. After a while I hear (I think I hear) Mama! MAAAAMMMAA! I ask Asa, Is that our kid? We go looking, can't find him, but he answers our call with an extra plaintitive MAMA! I'm sinking! Asa has shoes on so he rushes out, at the back of the yard there are juniper shrubs growing, but they are completely buried in snow, Miles thought they were solid and climbed the "hill" only to get stuck. After we calmed him down, oh it was funny.

Yeah, I just unloaded the camera, for the first time since, well, there were pics of my birthday on there, and that's in May... Here are Miles and I on Halloween, about to go trick or treating. I was Bunicula... I miss those rose bushes. I wonder if they grow here. There are irises planted here and there in the front yard, I'll have to learn about them.
Well, that's gist of it. Still looking for work, but that'll happen soon I'm sure.