Ning or whatever, thinks I have an account with them, and won't send me my password reset and won't respond to my email so I can't put the nablopomo icon on my sidebar. Just pretend it's there, I guess.
Look! A kid on an alligator!
Today was cold and sunny.
My blogging skills are sharp and pointy.
We ate really good pizza tonight.
I spent all morning writing a business plan and thinking of ways to advertise and expand slowly that shop we want to buy... If we can make it make 1300 a month, it will pay for itself and the loan we'll have to take out to buy it and if we can get it to make 3100 a month eventually, it will cover most of our household expenses too, which would seriously rock.
Miles tells me that spig-detti and baked potatoes which we cook in the wood stove are his favorite foods. (If you have a wood stove I highly recommend trying it, stab 'em, wrap them in tin foil, and cook. Tasty, and kinda free...)
Home depot has a thing on the 1st Saturday (that maybe different from store to store, dunno) where kids get to make a free project, and we went yesterday and it was way cooler than I thought. Miles made a wooden calender with the rotating blocks to change the date. They got to hammer nails and glue and paint, what kid doesn't love that? Next month is a race car...
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